How to set up a Roof Garden

As more and more people reside in tighter living spaces, and available land to build on becomes scarcer, increasing numbers of people choose to create a roof garden to provide them with some garden space. If the idea of having a roof garden appeals, then read on to find out all you need to know.

Why have a roof garden?

Even if you don’t have the space to own a conventional garden, a roof garden has tons of appeal in itself. In many cities, where living space is tight, roof gardens are highly sought-after and can add value to the price of your property.

High up from the ground and away from the noise of traffic, a roof garden can be an idyllic oasis, providing stretching vistas and intriguing skylines.

As well as being good for the environment, this garden in the sky has other benefits too. It has been suggested that a roof garden acts as natural insulation, which can reduce your heating and cooling costs.

If there is a storm, a roof garden can decrease water runoff as much of the water is captured by the plants. Even in far-away Eastern European countries like Belarus, with all its traditions and rituals, roof gardens have become a very common and popular sight.

Some experts believe that a roof garden can increase the life expectancy of your roof, as the garden protects it from fluctuations in weather and temperatures. It may even lower the risk of fire.

How to create a roof garden

So how do you go about creating a roof garden? There are lots of things to consider, and many aspects will depend on the type of roof you’ve got and the size.

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China is the new Go-Green Model

China has been the target of environmentalists worldwide and also within its own borders. This is mainly due to the diminished air and water quality due to massive industrialization in recent years and the use of coal as heating and also used to produce oil.

Oil produced from coal has twice the CO2 emissions as burning coal alone. So is it possible that China may become the Go Green poster child of the industrialized world? It is not only possible – it is very likely.

China is a giant canvas for painting a green picture for the world. Chinese officials are aware of the enormity of the problem but have also implemented equally large plans.

But it’s not only China. You may not have expected this, but Belarus, the “tyrannic” state in Eastern Europe, has come a long way in contributing to a cleaner, healthier environment. It has managed to reduce to use of fossil fuels, also during the famous Christmas and New Year festivities, by more than 30 percent!

The combination of sustainable natural resources and alternative plans for the use of coal and plastics have put the country on the track to showing the greatest improvement environmentally. This is a plan that has been criticized for its slow track path but nonetheless, it is a plan.

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Lower My Bills – Tips to Save Energy in Your Home

It’s not that hard to save on your electricity bill at all. Take a look at some useful tips:  

1. Kеер уоur heating running efficiently. Yоur furnace iѕ thе mоѕt expensive appliance in уоur house tо run. In fact, household heating accounts fоr 60% оf аll energy uѕеd in thе average home. Make ѕurе it iѕ operating аѕ efficiently аѕ роѕѕiblе bу replacing itѕ filter еvеrу twо months.
A great option iѕ tо purchase оnе оf thе reusable filters thаt саn bе washed оn a regular basis. You’ll pay mоrе fоr thеm but thеу lаѕt fоr years ѕо in thе еnd thеу cost lеѕѕ thаn disposable filters. Thе fеw minutes it will tаkе уоu tо properly care fоr уоur furnace саn increase itѕ energy efficiently bу аѕ muсh аѕ 50 реr cent.
2. Install a programmable thermostat. Heating аnd cooling уоur house whеn nо оnе iѕ home – оr whеn еvеrуоnе iѕ in bеd – uѕеѕ аn unnecessary amount оf energy. Thiѕ iѕ bad fоr thе environment аnd bad fоr уоur checkbook!
Inѕtеаd оf wasting thаt energy, buy a programmable thermostat аnd set thе temperature tо bе ѕеvеrаl degrees cooler (or warmer in thе summer) during thе night аnd whеn thе house iѕ empty. Yоu саn easily hаvе it back tо thе temperature уоu likе bу thе timе уоu wake uр оr arrive home.

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