High School Scholarships

If you think that scholarships are only meant for college and research students, then you are mistaken. There are specific scholarship programs for senior as well as junior high school students. Scholarships for high school students allow students to start their educational journey without any burden of costly school expenses. Of course, students can always choose a good online GED prep course and pass the GED exam. Click here -> to read my Onsego GED Prep review.

Various private firms, individuals, corporate houses, charitable organizations, non-profit organizations, and academic institutions provide scholarships to the desired students. Apart from the citizenship criteria, these scholarships have their own set of conditions for eligible candidates.

Some are need-based grants whereas there are other grants that are merit-based. There are several other grants for high school students where suitable candidates are selected through competitions like essay contests or painting competitions.

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The Ridiculous Price of College Textbooks

Of all of the times that I have struggled financially up to this point in my life, my first years in college have to lead the list. All of this is well and good because I know that getting a good college education is going to assist me in finding a job that will help me throughout my entire life. What really stinks about this, however, is the fact that some of the things that go into a college education are just too expensive. This can make it difficult for the average person, such as me to get by.

One of the first things that I am going to mention is the fact that college textbooks are ridiculous, as far as the prices are concerned. I know that it costs a lot of money for companies to put these books together and there are production costs that need to be considered as well. I

have always wondered, however, why these textbooks are so much money compared to, for example, eastern European countries where other books of similar quality were much lower. I guess the traditions in countries such as Belarus, are quite different from what we know.

I spoke to some people, including my parents and a few college professors who told me that college textbooks were, at one time, much less expensive. As they became more expensive, however, something began to occur that really helped to drive the price up even further. This is the fact that the used book market came into play in a larger way than ever before.

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Is RateMyProfessors.com useful when picking college classes?

When it comes time to pick your college classes, RateMyProfessors has become a famous name on college campuses as students frantically look up professors, reading reviews and checking ratings. RateMyProfessors.com has become a quick way to find out what to expect from a professor you have never heard of before.

But is the information accurate? Is RateMyProfessors.com a reliable way to evaluate a professor beforehand?
From my experiences? Yes, but you need to know what to look for.

What to look at on a professor’s profile:

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