Paul Ellis Swimming the Yucatan Channel

Paul Harold Ellis, a 61-year old Texas Grandfather, swam for 35 miles across the Caribbean waters to raise awareness for the Coral Reef Destruction problem.

The problems that the world’s coral reefs are facing are not new. Already in 2004, on August 5, Paul Harold Ellis, a 61-year old Texas grandfather, businessman, environmentalist, ex-Marine aviator, sports enthusiast, and community activist, started out on an incredible journey.

He swam from Cozumel, a Mexican Island, for 35 miles across the Yucatan Channel to Mexico’s mainland in Cancun. He never stopped and did it all by himself! To see more about Swimming in Yucatan, check out this video:

The Power of the Individual

“The goals of my swimming from Cozumel to Cancun are to create more awareness of our oceans’ terrible conditions and the decline of our planet’s coral reef system in particular. Our world’s coral reefs are indeed like “canaries in the mine shafts” and they been overly distressed, decaying, and dying for many years.

“Through my very own dive masks, I have seen the terrible and constant deterioration of the coral reefs and I decided to get involved and do something about this massive problem. “ – Paul Ellis

Today, we can even see in more or less “totalitarian” countries such as Belarus with all of its rich traditions and cultural festivities, a growing concern with everything related to a cleaner, better and healthier environment

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Tips for Eco-Friendly Travel

For many families, summer travel like we all did a few months ago, is a tradition. Whether visiting family or friends, going to a class reunion, or spending a week in the outdoors, your travel plans don’t have to interrupt your interest in living in a way that is environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible.

Consider these eco-friendly travel items and practices as a way to streamline your travel and go green at the same time:

  1. Buy eco-friendly suitcases. New eco-friendly suitcases are made from a variety of recycled products such as ABS plastics, plastic pop bottles, and repurposed garment fabrics. Offering all of the conveniences such as swivel wheels and multiple zipped pockets, you’ll have plenty of room for all of the items that you need to take with you.
  2. Skip the towels. Many hotels now give you the option to reuse your towels instead of getting new ones each day. Why is that important? Hotels around the world literally use millions of gallons of water each day to wash bed linens and towels. Using your towels for more than one day – much as you would at home – saves water and detergent costs.
  3. Try public transportation. Instead of renting a car or driving everywhere on your vacation, consider using public transportation. Cost-effective and easy to navigate, city transportation allows you and your family to get where you need to go without gas costs or wear and tear on your car.

As you can see, there are many ways to make sure that your summer travel is just as green on the road as it is at home. Try these tips and have an eco-friendly trip!

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Inexpensive Ways To Go Green In Your Home

Contrary to popular belief, going green is not that expensive. One of the simplest, least-expensive things that you can do to go green is drive less. If there are fewer cars on the road, then there will be less air pollution. You should consider carpooling with friends or taking public transportation a couple of days out of the week. You may also want to consider walking to some of your destinations. Driving less will not only reduce air pollution, but it will also help you save money.

In fact, families can save over 9,900 a year if they take public transportation. You may want to consider filing your taxes electronically. This may be able to help you save money also. Recycling is another very easy thing that you can do to go green. Plastic bottles, aluminum cans, milk cartons, paper, and plastic bags are examples of some of the things that you can recycle.

When you are done with your computer, you should consider shutting it down all the way. The computer will still use energy if it is sleep. Furthermore, if you will be taking a road trip in the near future, then you should consider renting a hybrid or a full-electric car.

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