Is useful when picking college classes?

When it comes time to pick your college classes, RateMyProfessors has become a famous name on college campuses as students frantically look up professors, reading reviews and checking ratings. has become a quick way to find out what to expect from a professor you have never heard of before.

But is the information accurate? Is a reliable way to evaluate a professor beforehand?
From my experiences? Yes, but you need to know what to look for.

What to look at on a professor’s profile:

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Speak Kindly To AND About Yourself

“Speak kindly to AND about yourself. No more “I’m so stupid” or “This is a dumb question” or “I am so behind!” Words create LIFE. ~Sandi Krakowski~
It’s well-known knowledge that negative self-talk comes from negative talking to a child hammering in that little one’s head like “you’re so stupid!” “dummy!” “you’ll never amount to anything!”

Have you ever heard those words as a child? Do you find yourself believing those words? It doesn’t have to be a parent it can be any person that’s supposed to be a role model to you. I know that as a child I grew up with soooooo many negative words.
It took me quite a long time to finally realize that I am not stupid or dumb or anything else negative that I was told as a child. And I know I am not the only one, in my work as GED education instructor, I have seen plenty high school dropouts with low self-esteem as a direct result of belittling their capabilities in their childhood.
It’s verbal abuse and it’s amazing how many adults abuse children verbally.

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Go Green in 2024

Recycling, reducing waste and lowering energy costs are just some of the options that businesses have to go a little “greener” in 2024. There are plenty of reasons for you to go green personally, but why would a business bother with it? After all, small businesses are all about the bottom line.

In reality, going green can have a big impact on your profits in more ways than you might think. It’s even a fundamental value many small businesses will flaunt to develop loyal customers.

You can lower your energy costs, which is a big portion of your overhead. Encouraging your employees to turn off lights and computers while on break or at the end of the day will produce big effects.

However, how do things like recycling or encouraging car pools help to save you money? They may not. In fact, they may actually make you money! Offering green technology at work is a great way for employers to attract talent and consumers. People are losing their loyalty to companies, but at the same time, they’re increasing loyalty to themselves and their careers. Use what you can to keep them attracted to you, and check out some cool, easy ideas for going green in 2024.

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