How Technology changed our education and our habits

Today we talk about technology, education, and business. The world of business has been completely changed by the collaborative world of technology and the Internet.

Let’s take a look, for example, at how brands connect with customers. Traditional flyers, business cards, and commercial ads became less effective, and therefore brands use websites, apps, and social networking to reach their targeted audiences.

Over 15 million brands around the world have Facebook brand pages primarily because of the fact that over one billion people have active accounts within this growing social media platform, according to Socialonomics.

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4 Simple Ways to Go Green

Yesterday I was a guest lecturer and led a GED online course and we talked about going green. I was truly surprised that so many people want to know simple ways to go green.  Luckily, living green can be easier than you think.

Simply changing some of your daily routines and creating a home that is low in energy consumption and waste production can have a big effect on your environmental footprint. If you are looking for ways to help in the global campaign to make our planet stay green, you should examine at your daily life and ask yourself the questions – where am I unnecessarily wasting resources?

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5 Sustainability Metrics to Pay Close Attention to

These days, most businesses and institutions recognize sustainability is important. Now more than ever people are aware of how everyday actions like heating a room or taking a shower are impacting the world around them.

Organizations across the board are taking steps to be more eco-friendly and often consider sustainability to be one of their core values.

However, when all’s said and done there is minimal awareness about how sustainability is actually measured. Many workplaces say they engage in green business practices, but few of them have concrete data to back up their efforts.

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